Thunder Chicken
A heavy gumbo of down home funk, dubbed-out swamp grooves, and Southern fried soul
Review by
“According to legend, Thunder Chicken is the moniker for a kind of fortified wine that helped Malcolm 'Papa Mali' Welbourne evolve, from his early years as a crazy music-freak kid with a six-string slung over his shoulder to the swamp-funk-hoodoo-slide-guitar-choogler he's become. Along with his smoking band, he concocts a back-alley brand of Louisiana parade sass that meets bluesy Austin, Texas grit in a gumbo of the deeply greasy variety; it becomes something joyfully lusty and intoxicating in its own right.
Barry “Frosty” Smith
As a singer, Mali's dirty slide axe struts in front of him and he's a deep-voiced soulful growler. But it's drummer Barry 'Frosty' Smith who whips the band into the tight, cracking, oily funk machine that can slay you on record as well as in a live setting. And that's what Thunder Chicken is, a beautiful dose of voodoo blues and raucous pumped up Southern funk and roll. Produced by the Dan Prothero, the true king of raw, Thunder Chicken is one of the few truly wild and unruly records to come from the rock & roll tradition in the 21st century.
“one of the few truly wild and unruly records to come from the rock & roll tradition in the 21st century”
There's a joint-poppin' nasty read of Clifton Chenier's Bon Ton Roulet, and a completely reinvented predatory version of Buddy Guy's swaggering Man of Many Words, with a killer meat-and-potatoes sax line by Ramirez and one of the filthiest basslines in recorded music history. In addition, Mali's cover of the Wild Magnolias' Fire Water takes the chant at the heart of the original and turns it into some kind of way-past-midnight hallucinatory processional. The hinge of this set, though, is the nearly ten-minute read of Dr. John's classic Walk on Gilded Splinters. The tune is a tranced-out, stoned, lonesome unholy blues with a Fender Rhodes and Mali's droning electric guitar punctuated ominously by the whip-crack snare of Smith. His vocal and Griffin's spooky wail in the background take the listener on a labyrinthine journey into the heart of darkness. Smith and Welbourne's Keep Happy is a cut-time guttural funk blues with lots of slide-guitar power chords, whomping snare, and maniacal distortion -- it feels like Buddy Guy fronting the Rolling Stones on Midnight Rambler.
The rest of the Welbourne originals stick close to the vein, the vein that is murky and unruly, full of surprises and killer riffs and hooks that could seduce a virtual street-full of revelers. Cottonfields and Bayous makes a case for this band being a thoroughly modern construct. The Instagators may deeply honor their musical heritage, but they're far from stuck in it. This feedback and slow strolling, freak-out hymn to the backwaters could only have been made in the 21st century with its hypnotic, twisted basslines that bust like a geyser from the speakers and reverb-drenched guitars behind the whispering keys and backbeat-driven drums. This record is timeless, sexy, and dangerous in its roots-man groove.”
All Right You Got It
Bon Ton Roulet
Man of Many Words
Walk On Guilded Splinters
I’m the One
La Bebida Por Su Vida
Keep Happy
Fleabite Junior The Third
If I Ever Get Right
Cottonfields & Bayous
Skeleton Bug
South Austin Lullaby
Produced and recorded by Dan Prothero
Thunder Chicken was recorded by Dan Prothero at Arlyn Studios in Austin, Texas.
Personnel: Malcolm "Papa Mali" Welbourne (lead vocals and guitar), Barry "Frosty" Smith (drums & percussion), Courtney Audain (bass, udu, bones), Bevis Griffin (background vocals), Claude McCan (keys), Paul "Buddha" Mills (percussion), and Tomas Ramirez (tenor sax)
Fog City Records FCCD003 / UPC 606946100325
“a potent gris-gris bag of tribal rhythms and true New Orleans-style funk, peppered with judicious touches of slide guitar and more than a bit of bayou joie de vivre. The vocals are delivered with a soulful swagger, almost as if Jimi Hendrix had been raised in the swamps on a steady diet of James Brown, the Meters and scratchy Delta blues. A raucous, insinuating debut”
Further Listening
Papa Mali On Tour